Friday, May 10, 2013

5/10/13 - Log

We've had a rainy spring so far. More than double the amount we had last year by this time. Due to the rain (and a few other things going on) I haven't been able to get more than two and a half raised beds ready for planting. So far in them I have sugar snap peas, red potatoes, broccoli and mustard greens. I picked up some tomatoes, peppers, a watermelon plant and four strawberry plants today at a roadside stand on the way home. Lord willing I will get them planted in the next week. After Sunday it is supposed to start drying off a bit.

Other happenings on the homestead, we had one of our chickens get killed by the neighbors' dog so we are down to one. I'm looking into building a cheap/quick fence for the chickens (we'll get more I'm sure) so they can have a little room to run without getting.. you know... eaten.

'til later, God bless