- 30 Broccoli seeds planted (this is probably too much, but my son who will hardly eat anything will eat broccoli like its candy.
- 42 Onion seeds (bunching type)
I purchased Burpee mini greenhouse seed starters this year instead of Jiffy brand since they have individual compartments for each seed. They come with these little compressed pellets that expand when you water them. I really can't reccomend these at all. They all expanded at different rates, so some of the pots are overflowing while others are only 1/3 full. But, the good thing is that the next batch of seeds I start in these I don't have to use those little discs. I can just use seed starting soil from bulk bags. With the Jiffy pots you have to use their discs again since the tray is just open and doesn't have individual compartments.