The Aspiring Homesteader
Friday, May 8, 2015
New rabbit kit born on the homestead
Thursday, August 1, 2013
Surviving Off Off-Grid Book
Old Paths
Looking towards the old paths is not a melancholy dream, or some fantastical wish for a mythical bygone paradise. We don’t look to the past as if it was the perfect, idyllic, pastoral utopia. We know it wasn't perfect. We look to the past for a few great reasons: Because the Bible tells us to (Jer. 6:16); because there is wisdom and reason in learning these old and valued skills; and because the way the world has chosen, though it seems to be right for a time, has wrought nothing but damage, destruction, intellectual and spiritual entropy, and mental colonization. The product of the modern way of doing things is spiritual emptiness and sadness, is fraught with disappointment and unrealized expectations, and creates a crazed urge to fill the void with consumption and "stuff".
May we all start looking backwards with hope and joy. Our political mottos might be "Building A Bridge To The Past, or, Agrarianism: Change We Can Believe In... Because it Worked Before."
-Michael Bunker, Surviving Off Off-Grid
May God bless,
Friday, May 10, 2013
5/10/13 - Log
We've had a rainy spring so far. More than double the amount we had last year by this time. Due to the rain (and a few other things going on) I haven't been able to get more than two and a half raised beds ready for planting. So far in them I have sugar snap peas, red potatoes, broccoli and mustard greens. I picked up some tomatoes, peppers, a watermelon plant and four strawberry plants today at a roadside stand on the way home. Lord willing I will get them planted in the next week. After Sunday it is supposed to start drying off a bit.
Other happenings on the homestead, we had one of our chickens get killed by the neighbors' dog so we are down to one. I'm looking into building a cheap/quick fence for the chickens (we'll get more I'm sure) so they can have a little room to run without getting.. you know... eaten.
'til later, God bless
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
I've started documenting my beekeeping on my YouTube channel
Installing first package of bees - Top Bar Hive
First beehive inspection
Bees active at 7:30am
Friday, February 3, 2012
Garden Update: Week of Jan 29th
- 30 Broccoli seeds planted (this is probably too much, but my son who will hardly eat anything will eat broccoli like its candy.
- 42 Onion seeds (bunching type)
I purchased Burpee mini greenhouse seed starters this year instead of Jiffy brand since they have individual compartments for each seed. They come with these little compressed pellets that expand when you water them. I really can't reccomend these at all. They all expanded at different rates, so some of the pots are overflowing while others are only 1/3 full. But, the good thing is that the next batch of seeds I start in these I don't have to use those little discs. I can just use seed starting soil from bulk bags. With the Jiffy pots you have to use their discs again since the tray is just open and doesn't have individual compartments.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Compost Tumbler and other stuff

-1878-If you can pay off all debts, so as to start with a clean bill, you can let the world wag. Debt is the load that drags so many people down. No man will be apt to fail if he takes care not to run into debt.[Thomas’s Farmer's Almanac]